Make sure to wear your denim jacket, as this is going to be mosh pit Monday in Doornroosje. We are proud to welcome three quality acts, including Havok. The American band is one of the leading bands within contemporary thrash metal.
With an unparallelled mix of highly skilled virtuosity and raw energy, Havok have made a name for themselves in recent years within the thrash metal scene. Ever since their debut in 2004, the Denver, Colorado band has been working on an impressive body of work. The album “Time Is Up” from 2011 is an absolute beast of an album. With their technical skills, intense podium presence and raw, socially conscious lyrics they manage to rise to the level of the original thrash bands. Just listen to songs like ‘Prepare for Attack’, ‘Point of No Return’, ‘D.O.A.’ and ‘Covering Fire’. Thrash metal as it should be!
Opening acts tonight are Skeletal Remains from the USA and Dust Bolt from Germany. The former brings death metal with a whiff of thrash metal; extremely intense and with tons of solos and grunts. Dust Bolt from Bavaria prefers thrash metal with clear hooks and catchy melodies, making them the perfect opener of this mosh pit Monday.