De show van Uada en Winterfylleth is helaas geannuleerd vanwege covid. Er komt voorlopig geen nieuwe datum. Gekochte kaarten worden automatisch gerestitueerd. Kaartkopers worden ook per mail op de hoogte gebracht. Hieronder het statement van de bands.
Statement Uada & Winterfylleth:
“It is with great regret that we must announce another cancellation. Weeks ago, we received information that the logistics for this tour would no longer be possible to achieve. We held out with the hope that covid regulations would soon lift in the majority of the European countries, but those announcements have come too late for us at this point. There is some good news though, as we see these restrictions being lifted in time for other European tours and events. This means we will see you this summer at various festivals and club shows in Europe. Our undying gratitude to those who continue to support us through all the madness. We will see you soon. Until then, stay haunted.“